Saturday the 30 of August, At Crow's nest : We took the bus to the Crow's Nest. Right after getting of the bus it started to rain a lot, four persons but none had any umbrella... We had to scream and run to the Crow's Nest. When we finally got to the that place, we were all soaked from the rain, but it didn't take long before our clothes were all dry and also nice smelling again, all thanks to the heat from the oven and the smiles of the hot girls there... And the pizza was not bad either.
8月30日,星期六,在乌巢:我们坐公共汽车去乌巢。一下车就开始下大雨了, 我们是四个人,可是连一把雨伞也没有。。。 我们一边大声喊一边跑向乌巢。 当我们终于到那个地方时,我们都淋湿了,但是很快我们的衣服都干燥了,而且有好的味道了,多亏烤炉的热力和那个地方的美女的笑容。。。匹萨饼也不错。
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