A friend of mine invited me to go to the Bao Li Ju Chang to see the "Qian Shou Guan Yin" show. I have heard so much of this show, so I was really curious and also really happy that I got a chance to see this show. I knew that this show would be really good, but I didn't know that it would be that great! I was really amazed. I did really enjoy the show.
The show was for 2,5 hours, but it didn't feel like that long, the time passed really fast. I enjoyed the show so much that I wanted it to be longer... I think this show is the best show that I have ever seen. They really do live up to their reputation. I hope I get a chance to see it again.
After seeing the show, I went to see the Great Green Wall of China. Here is some pictures.
9月13日, 星期六,在保利剧场(东四十条):一个朋友请我去保利剧场看“千手观音“。我听说过这个表演,所以我对这个表演有好奇而且我也很高兴有这个机会去看。我知道这个表演应该很好,可是没想到那么宏伟! 我真感动了。 我相当欣赏看这个表演。
他们表演2个半小时了,可是时间过的很快。这个表演我欣赏至极,所以我希望能长一点。 我觉得这个表演是最好看的。 他们的名声真值得。我真希望我再能看这个表演。
看了这个表演以后, 我去看绿色的长城。下面是一些照片。

他们表演2个半小时了,可是时间过的很快。这个表演我欣赏至极,所以我希望能长一点。 我觉得这个表演是最好看的。 他们的名声真值得。我真希望我再能看这个表演。
看了这个表演以后, 我去看绿色的长城。下面是一些照片。
1 kommentar:
Hello, I like this blog.
Sorry not write more, but my English is not good.
A hug from Portugal
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