Ye ye i know kind of late to put this on the blog so i will not write that much, will post more pictures instead :p One of my classmate had a party on the 24th her apartment is really nice btw :) I didn't get the traditional Christmas food like we have in Sweden but the food there was good too because it was not only Chinese food it was other countries as well that people at the party had made, so nice of them :)
Enjoy the pictures!
我知道知道太晚写这个所以我不写那么多然而放更多图片 :p
二十四号我的同学有一个晚会 (她的公寓非常好看 :)) 我没吃到瑞典的圣诞节菜但这里的菜也不错因为不仅中国菜也有别的菜有的人做自己的国家的菜,真棒 :)